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Tampico High School Alumni Banquet 2008
The Tampico Area Historical Society encompasses parts of Whiteside County and Bureau County in Illinois. Focus is on Tampico, Hume Twp., Hahnaman/Deer Grove, & Prophetstown in Whiteside County & Yorktown & Thomas in Bureau County.
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620 posts
Jul 23, 2008
8:28 AM
As reported in the Prophetstown Echo, Tuesday, July 15, 2008:
Joan Johnson welcomed the 134 in attendance. She introduced Rev. Lauren Gerber from the class of 1938 who then gave the invocation.

Following the buffet meal a short business meeting was held.

The minutes of the 2007 meeting and treasurer's report were read and approved.

The roll call of classes was presented by Mary Anne Batten. First to respond from the Class of 1938 were Rev. Lauren Gerber and Robert Maxwell. They were given a memento from the group, attending from the 65 year were: Jerria Shearer Baumgartner and Art Johnson, 14 responded from the 50 year class and 1 member of the 25 year class was present.

Since there had been some complaint about the cost of the evening, Mary Anne had checked with Arnie's Happy Spot. After discussion, the group decided to stay at Deer Valley Country Club.

There were no volunteers for the office of Vice President, so no decision was made for next year.

Door Prizes were awarded and the 50/50 in the amount of $134.00 was won by Mrs. Art Wallgren.

The meeting closed and music was enjoyed by Jeff Weishaar of Ashton, IL

Next year's meeting will be on Saturday, June 13 at the Deer Valley Country Club.
********************end of article**********************

I have asked for several years if I could have a contact list of either mailing or email addresses for the Alumni so that I can alert them to our website. To date I have not been able to obtain one. If you know of any contacts for them, please either send them a link to our site or send me their contact information.

I recommend that they (or anyone) sign up for our monthly 'NEWSLETTER/MAILING LIST (see tab at top right of every page on this site). You will receive a "confirmation email" which must be returned to activate the account. This is all automated and I have no control over that, nor can I update your new email addresses. It must be done by you.
Thank you,

Last Edited by on Jul 23, 2008 6:11 PM

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TAMPICO AREA HISTORICAL SOCIETY - MUSEUM - FAMILY HISTORY LIBRARY/RESEARCH CENTER  119 Main St., P. O. Box 154,  Tampico, IL  61283   www.tampicohistoricalsociety.com   tampicoareahistory@gmail.com  We are an all-volunteer organization so your donations are always appreciated!  Sign up to receive our e-newsletter. Thank you!  Visit us on FACEBOOK.