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The Tampico Area Historical Society encompasses parts of Whiteside County and Bureau County in Illinois. Focus is on Tampico, Hume Twp., Hahnaman/Deer Grove, & Prophetstown in Whiteside County & Yorktown & Thomas in Bureau County.
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653 posts
Aug 25, 2008
9:33 AM
Hi Denise, I have been researching J. W. White and my Payson family. What a surprise to find on your site that the Payson home was bought for the railroad. Was it ever built in Rock Falls? I have never heard of it being here. We have been trying to figure out what happened to the Payson home. It was one of the first homes built in Rock Falls and according to a map quite large. Charles Payson had built the home.

There are several homes built on the site today which have been there for years.


1903 - Electric Road Buys Site
17 Nov 2007
Friday, December 25, 1903
Power House Site for Tampico's Electric Road is Purchased at Rock Falls
The Rock Falls & Southwestern electric railway, the road which is projected through Tampico, Yorktown and Hooppole, has purchased the old Payson place in Rock Falls on the river bank, formerly occupied by Attorney J. W. White and it will be the site of the car barns and power plant of the electric road. The purchase of the property is another evidence that the road has financial backing and will be built.
The power house will be of brick and work will be begun on it as soon as the weather permits. The other power house will be located at Atkinson.
Mr. Massey, president of the construction company, who will build the road, has arrived in Roc Falls and rented a residence, where he will reside during the construction of the line.
The route of the electric line south of here is not yet fully decided by the company. The plan was to go west on Kimball street three miles and then south. I. W. Dow of Rock Falls was here last week and was working to secure right-of-way on the road direct south. There are more houses on this road, while on a three-mile stretch of the other route there are no houses. The company favors the road straight south.
end of email ---------

Does anyone know of a "Power Plant" in Tampico or a "car barn"? Other than the depot in town. We had the Electric Plant just west of the depot - would that be the electric source for the train?

Good question Patty!
Family History Coordinator
Tampico Area Historical Society

Last Edited by on Aug 25, 2008 9:33 AM
259 posts
Aug 25, 2008
12:24 PM
So, it looks like 1903 was a busy year for speculating on the Electric Railroad:

February 21, 1903
Company May Build Electric Railroad From Rock Falls to Tampico
Rumor is that an electric railway will be built from Rock Falls west on the river road, south through Tampico and then south through Yorktown and then on to Sheffield. According to the Sterling Gazette at the recent meeting of the Farmers' telephone company at Hume center school a proposal was received from the Northern Illinois Electric Railroad company to build a line.

May 16, 1903
A meeting of the Dixon, Rock Falls & Southwestern electric railroad was held at Rock Falls last Friday morning at which time it was decided that the road would be built from Dixon to Rock Falls, south to Tampico and then to Hooppole, Atkinson and Geneseo to Rock Island. The road will in reality be an extension of teh Northern Illinois Electric railway and the same people who are backing the Shaw road at Dixon will finance the Dixon, Rock Falls and Southwestern. The construction of this road will not commence before next spring.

May 23, 1903
They Want Electric Road
Hooppole and Yorktown Farmers Hold Enthusiastic Meetings
Enthusiastic meeting of farmers at Yorktown and Hooppole, offers of bonuses, free right of way and a clamoring to buy stock, is the encouragement the Rock Falls - Rock Island Electric Railway company is meeting south of here on the project to construct a line from Rock Falls via Tampico, Yorktown and Hooppole to Atkinson. In thw words of prominent farmers everybody is railroad crazy, especially around Hooppole, and some say the farmers there will, if necessary, even build the road in their vicinity and tender it to the company, so anxious are they for it.
Last Friday A.J. McNEIL, A.C. STANLEY, H.L. SHELDON, John PIPPERT, O.E. MAZSON, all of Rock Falls, and connected with the projected line, visited Tampico in the interest of the road, and from there drove to Yorktown where a meeting was held in the hall over the blacksmith shop. The project was discussed and the following committee was appointed, who accompanied the Rock Falls gentlemen to Hooppole and Atkinson to look up the route, etc: Arthur ROGERS, F.E. FOY, John WERDERMAN and J.E. BUNKER. Everywhere they were received enthusiastically and all the farmers interviewed want the road.

May 23, 1903
Another Meeting was held Monday night at Yorktown and M. BROOKS and A. ROGERS were appointed a committee to act with the Hooppole and Atkinson committees to solicit the right of way. They will begin work at once and will have no difficulty to secure it as it has been offered free on any road.

May 23, 1903
Two routes are proposed out of Yorktown, on south two and a half miles and then west, and the other west and then south. The right of way will be two rods wide on one side of the road. Farmers along the route xxx xxx xxxx xx company's stock at 80 and the farmers who subscribe the most will probably get it past their farms

May 23, 1903
A big meeting was held Tuesday evening at Hooppole, nearly 100 farmers being present. The proposed road was discussed and everyone was in favor of it. F. FELLMAN was appointed chairman of the committee to work with the Yorktown committee to secure the right of way.

May 23, 1903
An electric railroad from Morrison south through Denrock to Erie has been projected by a half dozen Morrison gentlemen. The company is capitalized at $2,500 and the following citizens are the officers: George MILNE, president; Aaron D. HILL, secretary; Arthur M. KIDD, treasurer; Paul BENT, general manager; Charles G. MACKLIN, counsel.

FYI - PAYSON/WHITE familes tied together:

September 9, 1893
Charles H. PAYSON, of Rock Falls, father-in-law of Hon. J.W. WHITE, died at his home Thursday, Sept. 7th, after a short illness. The funeral will take place at 10 a.m. Sunday.

September 7, 1906
Mrs. Mary PAYSON and grandson, Leo WHITE, visited at the home of A.Z. WHITE south of town Tuesday.

654 posts
Aug 25, 2008
9:19 PM
Thanks Les! ~ This was GREAT info!
Family History Coordinator
Tampico Area Historical Society
5 posts
Aug 26, 2008
9:31 AM
Of interest, in the May 23, 1903 article, H. L. SHELDON, part of the group interested in running the electric railroad from Rock Falls to Tampico, was the law partner of John Wilbur WHITE, who formerly occupied the “old Payson place", mentioned in the 25 Dec 1903 article, and was the son-in-law of Mary A. Payson.

On 20 August 1906, Mary E. [sic] PAYSON sold Part of Lot one in Block 1 in Rock Falls, to A. C. STANLEY for $3,000. A. C. STANLEY is also part of the group mentioned in the May 23, 1903 article.

It is all starting to come clear now. Patty, that sale of land was in one of the packets you mailed me.

Thank all of you for all the information!

Chuck Rodekohr
6 posts
Aug 26, 2008
9:46 AM

Leo WHITE is Leo Payson WHITE, son of John Wilbur WHITE. A. Z. WHITE, is Adelbert Zenas WHITE, brother of John Wilbur white, a resident of Tampico from about 1870 until his death in 1930.

Again, thanks for the info!

Chuck Rodekohr

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TAMPICO AREA HISTORICAL SOCIETY - MUSEUM - FAMILY HISTORY LIBRARY/RESEARCH CENTER  119 Main St., P. O. Box 154,  Tampico, IL  61283   www.tampicohistoricalsociety.com   tampicoareahistory@gmail.com  We are an all-volunteer organization so your donations are always appreciated!  Sign up to receive our e-newsletter. Thank you!  Visit us on FACEBOOK.