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This Week in Tampico History - Week of April 12th
The Tampico Area Historical Society encompasses parts of Whiteside County and Bureau County in Illinois. Focus is on Tampico, Hume Twp., Hahnaman/Deer Grove, & Prophetstown in Whiteside County & Yorktown & Thomas in Bureau County.
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522 posts
Apr 12, 2009
4:33 AM
Happy Easter everyone!! I hope you have a wonderful day with your families and friends.....
523 posts
Apr 12, 2009
4:40 AM
April 12, 1907
Association Formed Monday Night in City Hall and Officers Are Chosen
A Law and Order League was formed Monday night at city hall. There were about twenty-five present and the following officers were elected:
President - F.H. RICHARDSON
First vice-pres. - Alfred SMITH
Second vice-pres. - A.T. GLASSBURN
Third vice-pres. - R.H. McKENZIE
Fourth vice-pres. - F.B. THOMAS
Secretary - L.W. DENISON
Treasurer - T.A. CURNOW
Executive committee - C.P. HORNER, E. FORBES and P.A. McMILLAN.
A number of people outside the village have signified their intention to join the League and one outside has offered to contribute $25.
Art. I - Name - This organization shall be called The Tampico Law and Order League.
Art. II - Membership - Any person may become a member by signing the constitution and paying $1.00.
Art. III - Object - The object of this organization is to encourage and aid the regularly constituted authorities in enforcement of laws pertaining to the sale of intoxicants, the desecration of the Sabbath, and the suppression of all social and moral evils.

April 12, 1907
Mrs. Mollie McMILLEN returned Monday from Decatur where she visited her son Atty. C.A. McMILLEN and also looked up a house in which to reside. She did not find anything that exactly suited them. Wednesday she went to Lyndon to look for some repairs on her mother's house after which she will return here and then go to Decatur.

April 12, 1907
Big Shipment of Eggs
What is the matter with Tampico hens and the poultry industry here! Manager Bert GLASSBURN of the Legg Poultry house says two carloads of eggs were shipped from here in less than a week. The two cars contained xxx cases or 216,000 eggs, enough if placed end to end to reach half way to Sterling or make a monument 60 times as high as the Washington monument. Take off your hat to the Tampico hen.

April 12, 1907
Clyde McKENZIE and Ralph PRATT Skip From Home But Are Found at Rock Island
Ralph PRATT and Clyde McKENZIE two boys seventeen and fourteen years of age left Tampico last Sunday without telling their parents or friends who the have caused considerable anxiety by their sudden unexpected departure.
They hired a livery rig at OLD's barn Sunday and drove to Sterling where orders had been telephoned to the police to stop the boys in their flight but they evaded the officers and boarded a west bound train Sunday night going to Clinton where it has been ascertained they stayed all night at the hotel, from there it is claimed they went to Rock Island where all trace of the boys had been lost until later.
The boys claimed they left town to look for work and a WOODS boy who road with them to Sterling said he tried to dissuade both from leaving and McKENZIE agreed to return when he got to Sterling but WOODS says PRATT called him a baby etc and this spurned him on. McKENZIE has a splendid home, good parents and everything almost that he could wish and there is no reason for his leaving other than an itching desire to get out and see the world, which takes hold of every young man sometime in his life.
Ray McKENZIE father of one of the boys received word through relatives that the boys were in Rock Island and that PRATT had secured work. This relieves the anxiety felt by all.

April 12, 1907
The members of the German Lutheran church at Yorktown are contemplating some extensive repairs on the church this summer. They are planning to have the edifice nicely painted and make some needed repairs inside. The church is in a flourishing condition under the pastorate of Rev. A. PILGER.

April 12, 1907
On Friday April 19 there will be a strictly high class vaudeville and moving picture show at BURDEN's opera house. The company is composed of ten people. Full announcement later.

April 12, 1907
Clayte GREENMAN went to Princeton Monday where he had his eyes treated.

April 12, 1907
A.O. HUNTER went to Canada last week where he will visit his son near Drinkwater.

April 12, 1907
Joseph ARNOLD has accepted a position as clerk in HARRISON's store and will begin his duties soon.

April 12, 1907
Wanted - Pupils for instrumental music. Piano or organ. Mrs. Neva DENISON.

April 12, 1907
Mr. MULINX, one of the proprietors of the Tampico rendering factory has rented the WIRTH cottage in the northern part of the village and moved it.

April 12, 1907
Tracy WYLIE has embarked in the fancy poultry business and will raise silver penciled Wyndottes of choice breeding as the eggs cost him $3 per setting.

April 12, 1907
N. FERGESON has rented the flat above the BURDEN's jewelry store and will move into it. He is one of the men who have started a rendering factory southwest of Tampico.

April 12, 1907
Joseph ARNOLD has recovered from a severe attach of tonsillitis. Joe has had considerable bad luck as he had just nicely recovered from a long siege of typhoid fever when he was taken with tonsillitis.

April 12, 1907
Fred HUNTER left Tuesday night for Drinkwater, Canada, where he will join his brother Merle and run a farm in the north west prairies this summer. Mrs. HUNTER will not follow until several weeks later.

April 12, 1907
Street commissioner James FULLERTON has finished the grading of the depot park where the monument will stand. The ground has all been leveled off nicely and when it is seeded down will make a pretty plat.

April 12, 1907
Will HUNTER brought a hog to Tampico and sold it last week that was one of the largest ever on the local markets. The big porker weighed 725 pounds and was the product of Alf SMITH's farm southwest of town.

April 12, 1907
Frank DAVIS who is now the baggageman for the Burlington at Kewanee visited his parents here for several days last week. Frank was formerly assistant in the depot here and after working a short time received a good promotion.

April 12, 1907
Louis FOY expects to quit his position at the depot next Saturday and will get a good promotive position at Kewanee with the Burlington. The operator I.M. LEGO also intends to quit as the work is too heavy for him to handle.

April 12, 1907
Walter WHITE returned Monday from a two weeks visit with his aunt at Denis, Kansas. Walter says potatoes are up, oats are above the ground, wheat looks fine and everything is quite further advanced than here. He liked Kansas very much.

April 12, 1907
Newton DENISON returned Thursday from Rockford where he has been taking treatment for this injured back from an osteopath. Newt thinks he is gradually gaining. He returned to qualify for tax collector and will go back to Rockford soon.

April 12, 1907
William SHERE shipped a carload of cattle to Chicago last week and accompanied the stock. A record was made in the sale of his car in that the cattle were all weighed and disposed of by eight o'clock in the morning. Will LOVE also took stock in the same evening.

April 12, 1907
The annual school election will be held this year Saturday April 20, at the school house. Henry DENISON's term as director expires and there is no opposition to his reelection yet but what wil develop before the election time nobody can tell. School elections have usually been pretty exciting.

April 12, 1907
F.F. BUREN sold William SHERE a fine piano this week which was presented by Mr. SHERE to his daughters. Mr. BUREN sold the piano in direct competition with two out-of-town firms and was considerably under their price, again demonstrating that Tampico merchants if given a chance will always make as good prices and often better than an outside firm.

April 12, 1907
Dr. M.M. PARKHURST will meet the members of The Tampico Law and Order League, and all who desire to become members, in the City Hall on Saturday evening of this week at 7:45. This will not only be an opportunity to hear Dr. PARKHURST at his best in his specialty but will also be an opportunity for all friends of law and order to counsel together. J.G.A.

April 12, 1907
Leroy P. McMILLEN, a son of Mrs. Mollie McMILLEN and a former Tampico young man, has been nominated for mayor on the no-license ticket at LaMoille where he has been employed for several years in the NORRIS & KENDALL bank. Mr. McMILLEN is one of the youngest men to ever be up for mayor and as he is well liked and LaMoille usually goes dry, he will probably be elected.

April 12, 1907
For Sale - One share and good phone in working order in Tampico company. Inquire of Mrs. Eliza BROOKS.

April 12, 1907
For Sale
I have a few hundred pounds of Acme stock food which I will sell at cost to close out and clean up. A.A. SHERE.
524 posts
Apr 13, 2009
4:55 AM
April 13, 1901
H.H. HOGEBOOM who had been prospecting Grands, Mich., has returned home Saturday night. He says it is a great fruit country and far xxxxx of Missouri.

April 13, 1901
Great improvement in the Crackajack Corn Planter for 1901. See it before giving an order for the old style at A. SMITH & Bro's.

April 13, 1901
Miss Nellie HOGEBOOM is visiting her cousin Jennie HOGEBOOM.

April 13, 1901
Miners Injured
Iron Mountain, Mich., April 6. - Four miners were injured on the sixth level in No. 1 shaft of the Pewabic mine by an explosion of dynamite. One man may die. The miners drilled into an unexploded charge of dynamite, which exploded with terrific force. The injured are: George VILLA, married, not expected to live; Antonio GAUIDERI, Philip NICHOLINE and Joseph ZENA, the latter is seriously injured and may lose both legs.

April 13, 1906
G.M.D. LEGG Company Buys Out WARNER and Will Erect New Building
The G.M.D. LEGG Poultry company has decided to erect a substantial two story brick building in Tampico this spring as soon as the necessary arrangements can be made. The location is not decided but options have been secured on several good places.
The LEGG company bought the WARREN poultry business Monday. It was sold last Friday to A.J. GLASSBURN and T.A. CURNOW who sold it to G.M.D LEGG, managers GLASSBURN and TOBEY closing the deal Monday. Mr. WARNER sold the ice business but retained the ice and will deliver it this summer. The WARNER poultry building will probably be torn down or sold by the LEGG people. Manager A.J. GLASSBURN of the LEGG house will have charge of the consolidated business and his ability to make things go is shown by the fact that he has so increased the business that it has outgrown its old quarters and must have new.

April 13, 1906
Mrs. Clayton TEACH of Deer Grove visited his sister Mrs. John GREENMAN.
Mrs. Frank EMMONS of Rock Falls who has been seriously ill is reported to be improving. Her mother Mrs. Frank COOLEY of this place has been staying with her.

April 13, 1906
Ed EMMONS and Will COLLINS installed a new telephone at C.F. SIPPLE's residence this week.

April 13, 1906
Liveryman OLDS has been quite busy this week making his clipping machine buzz, "barbering" horses.

April 13, 1906
O.D. PITNEY carried the mail on Route No. 3 last Saturday for John TURNER who staid [sic] home to attend his sister's wedding.

April 13, 1906
Mrs. Stiles PIERCE was called to Walnut last Saturday by the death of T. FISHER one of the old inhabitants of that place and a distant relative, by marriage, of the PIERCEs.

April 13, 1906
Miss Helen PITNEY has resigned her position as teacher in the OLSSON district and with her mother left Monday for Prophetstown where they will visit a few days then go to Denver. Louis FOY is the new teacher to take the vacancy caused by Miss PITNEY's resignation, Mrs. BRILL decided not to take the school.

April 13, 1906
I have made arrangements with Ernest McKENZIE to take all the horses he has so there won't be any horses in the adjoining pastures. E.C. BERGE.

April 13, 1906
Job E. GREENMAN, agent for the Sterling Granite and Marble Works sold Warren HIXON [HISXON?] a fine St. Cloud. Wisconsin, granite monument which is to be erected on the family plot in the Tampico cemetery before Decoration day. This makes over $21,000 worth of fine monuments Mr. GREENMAN has sold in Tampico and vicinity during the past eleven years and most of the beautiful comemorative stones in the cemeteries were designed and executed by the firm he represents. Parties who are contemplating the purchase of monuments to mark the resting place of loved ones ought to see Mr. GREENMAN at once to insure having the stones placed before Decoration Day.

April 13, 1916
Walnut pastors invited Walnut non-church goers to tell the reason they did not go to church Sundays and oneself confessed sinner gives this reason:
I do not go to church, frankly, because the church does not interest me. You cannot blame a man, can you, for not buying what he as no use for, or reading a book that is dry or not cultivating the acquaintance of a person who is a bore. Well, church bores me and that's why I don't go. I don't go to church just as I don't enjoy listening to a phonograph, and don't care for dancing, and ton eat parsnips. No doubt, I am a very wicked person but that's the truth. Why should I go to church to hear about things that don't interest me? I'm not interested in going over and over the same things I've been hearing all my life. No doubt I'm very narrow minded but to got to Sunday school and have the same old lessons about Abraham and David with the bad parts of their stories cut out, or listen to sermons that anybody knows fit, the text about like a horse blanket on a pair of tongs that doesn't appeal to me a little bit. So you can see I don't go to church because I can put in my time in a more interesting way. There's my reason. One of my friends will give his next week.
Yours truly
527 posts
Apr 15, 2009
5:40 AM
Happy Tax Day......

I hope everyone got their TAXES filed and are getting a nice return - ok, let's hope you are NOT getting a return because that would mean the government had YOUR money and you are just now getting it back!!!!!
528 posts
Apr 15, 2009
5:45 AM
April 15, 1899
The roads are getting good and a great many of our cyclists are exercising their wheels as a consequence.

April 15, 1899
The DILLON-GRISWOLD Wire company of Sterling paid out $3,798.62 to their hands for the past two week's work.

April 15, 1899
James CAIN has filled in the front yard of his residence property on Main street and will seed it down and make a nice lawn.

April 15, 1899
Ben DOW of Yorktown was a social caller at the Tornado sanctum. Mr. DOW has been a reader of the Tornado for many years and a firm friend of ye editor, he renewed his subscription to 1900.

April 15, 1899
John Allen RAGAN [REAGAN] of Chicago, an engineer on one of the dredges has rented the C.F. GIFFORD residence property on Benton street and will take possession May first. In the mean time a new kitchen and barn will be erected upon the place.

April 15, 1899
Job GREENMAN tells us that he has sold a few more monuments last week. One Berri Granite monument to Mrs. J.F. McNAUGHTON, for her husband to be placed in the Sandytown cemetery.

April 15, 1899
A letter was received from Nathan N. PIERCE of Leola, S.D., Thursday containing $1.50 for more Tornadoes.

April 15, 1899
Dear Sir and Editor:
Enclosed is $1.50 for more Tornadoes. You will please change address to Fitzgerald, Georgia, as we start for Fitzgerald the last of this week. Mr. W.W. ALLEN and family of Minier, Illinois are here and will go with us to that land of sunshine, flowers, big watermelons, honey and happiness, where we intend to settle for life or longer. It is warm here - mercury stands at 81 and all nature is humping itself like a measuring worm on a log, to make up for the backwardness of the season. Flies, frogs, wasps, bees and butterflies are of air to help beautify the earth. Southern songsters and other birds are keeping up their twitter, while mules and niggars join in the chorus, making the music varied and harmonious. Hurray for the Sunny South, H.H. DOW, West Point, Miss., Apr. 12.

April 15, 1920
The famous set of war pictures "Thru Hell and Back" with the Illinois boys will be shown at BURDEN's opera house, Thursday evening, April 22. These films were taken by the Signal corps and can be shown only by The American Legion. The pictures show the boys going over the top, in trenches, shells bursting, etc. and will actually show what some of the Tampico boys went through while in the World War. They will be shown for the benefit of the Tampico Post of The American Legion. Price of admission will be 10c and 35c.
529 posts
Apr 16, 2009
9:13 AM
April 16, 1892
A Letter to the Woodman
Rock Falls, Ill, April 5th, 1892,
Dear Honored Woodmen,
I take this method of returning my heartfelt and grateful thanks to the Modern Woodmen of the remittance of $2,000 which came through the death of my dear husband, James WOODARD. . . . Again, thank you and promising I shall never tire of praising so great and grand of an order,
I will subscribe myself,
Mrs. Catherine WOODARD

April 16, 1898
T.H.C. DOW of New Bedford has purchased a Village lot of Horace BOOTH. The lot is located on South side of Booth street. Mr. DOW says he will commence the erection of a new house right away.
533 posts
Apr 18, 2009
6:24 AM
April 18, 1891
Hurbert [sic] KEMP, while running a foot race with Frank COLLINS the other day, sprained his ankle quite badly.

April 18, 1891
Pleasant MAXFIELD, of Tampico, is now working for John MOSHER.

April 18, 1891
The finest and best assorted stock of paints ever brought to Tampico.

April 18, 1896
Thomas DOW is remodeling his building on Main street. He will fix the north side for the use of Win DAVIS who will occupy it with his barber business.

April 18, 1896
W.M. BROOKS and wife of Yorktown were visitors in our village Wednesday, and guest of Mr. and Mrs. Will PARENT. During the day they found time to make the Tornado office a pleasant call, and Mrs. BROOKS renewed her subscription and left an order for visiting cards.

April 18, 1903
Ballot question: Shall the Village of Tampico construct an outlet for the ditches and proposed sewers of said Village at a cost of not more than Fifteen Hundred Dollars? Yes No

April 18, 1903
Mrs. H.A. KEMP resigned as president of the Ladies Aid society of the M.E. church at the meeting at O.D. OLSSON's Wednesday afternoon. Mrs. Geo. BERNREUTER was elected president to fill the vacancy.

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TAMPICO AREA HISTORICAL SOCIETY - MUSEUM - FAMILY HISTORY LIBRARY/RESEARCH CENTER  119 Main St., P. O. Box 154,  Tampico, IL  61283   www.tampicohistoricalsociety.com   tampicoareahistory@gmail.com  We are an all-volunteer organization so your donations are always appreciated!  Sign up to receive our e-newsletter. Thank you!  Visit us on FACEBOOK.