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Newsletters > Speaker April 23, 2024
Speaker April 23, 2024

Apr 13, 2024

On Tuesday April 23, 2024 at 6:00 p.m. the Tampico Area Historical Society will be visited by author, food historian, speaker and traveler Cynthia Clampitt. Through a grant opportunity from Illinois Humanities we were able to bring this creative knowledge and expertise into our community.

So far this year we’ve had some great presentations from our local travelers, leaders, and historians- and I have been ecstatic and grateful for those opportunities! Now we have an outsider coming in to our village- who also travels and writes about the historical communities she encounters as well as the food along the way.

Let’s make sure Miss Clampitt has a warm welcome to Tampico! She has been to 37 countries on 6 continents, and, in recent years, has been focusing increasingly, at least as far as writing books, on the American Midwest.

On our Facebook page I’ve included a picture of three of her books with a synopsis of each as well as a YouTube interview she has done. The topic for this event: Cynthia Clampitt: How Corn Changed Itself and Then Changed Everything Else falls more in line with her book Midwest Maize. All books can be purchased on Amazon and I have requested she bring a few copies with her on the visit.

Also, please check out the website and Facebook page for Illinois Humanities. If you are an educator or interested in sharing in the arts- I’ve found many interesting topics and connections by following along with their page.

Thank you, Tampico, former Tampicoians, and the surrounding communities for following our events. We hope to see you there!


TAMPICO AREA HISTORICAL SOCIETY - MUSEUM - FAMILY HISTORY LIBRARY/RESEARCH CENTER  119 Main St., P. O. Box 154,  Tampico, IL  61283   www.tampicohistoricalsociety.com   tampicoareahistory@gmail.com  We are an all-volunteer organization so your donations are always appreciated!  Sign up to receive our e-newsletter. Thank you!  Visit us on FACEBOOK.