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TAHS Website Updates for May 2008

Jun 1, 2008


CALENDAR OF EVENTS http://www.tampicohistoricalsociety.citymax.com/page/page/22558.htm
•    April through October - Ronald Reagan Birthplace & Museum is Open Mon-Sat., 10-4 p.m. & Sun., 1-4p.m. Contact: Joan Johnson, 815-438-7581 or garyjoan@thewisp.net Volunteers always welcome!
•   April through October - Tampico Area Historical Society (TAHS) Open Sat & Sun, 1-4p.m. Contact: Joan Johnson, 815-438-7581 or garyjoan@thewisp.net or Denise McLoughlin, 815-590-2065 or tahs@thewisp.net Trace your roots - TAHS Family History Library/Research Center, by appointment.
•   June 19 (Thursday) – 12:30 p. - TALRPC (Tampico Area Long Range Planning Committee)
•   June 21 (Saturday) , 6:30 p.m. – Mexican Train Dominoes! Tampico Community Building. This is a fund raiser for the Tampico Area Historical Society. $5/play. Prizes/Refreshments. Contact: Joan Johnson 815-438-7581
•   June 27 (Friday) 5:30 p.m. - Tampico High School Alumni Dinner @ Deer Grove Country Club. Reservations needed by June 13. Mary Anne Batten, 815-438-5895
•   June 27/28/29 (Fri/Sat/Sun) - Annual Tampico Festive Days/Homecoming. Details of Activities to follow later.
•   June 28 (Saturday) – Rummage & Bake Sale @ Tampico Area Historical Society
•   June 28 (Saturday) – Fishing Derby – Hennepin Canal Feeder @ 172, Tampico. Contact Shirley Lester – 815-438-7447 Great Prizes! Details to follow later.
•   June 29 (Sunday) – Parade! Contact Tampico Lions Club to enter.
•   August 7 (Thursday) - Tampico Community Building committee is sponsoring a bus trip to the Lincoln Library/Museum in Springfield on Thursday, August 7, 2008. Cost of the Trip is $65.00 and will include a stop at the Museum of Funeral Homes and Customs, viewing the Lincoln Tomb, Viet Nam and Korean War Memorials, Buffet Lunch, and the Lincoln Library/Museum. Please make your reservations as soon as possible, with Anita Stickel (438-5631) or Joan Johnson (438-7581).

* 1915 - Peter E. Burke ddm
* 1916 - J. H. Milligan (civil war vet)
* 1916 - Andrew Olsson ddm
* 1919 - James Varian ddm
* 1919 - William Rowe ddm
* 1919 - Ida Rosette (Rogers) Darnell ddm
* 1936 - Mrs. Mary M. (Howlett) Johnson ddm
* 1963 - Sivard Pierson ddm
* 2008 - Arlene (Pierson) Hansen ddm
* 1923 - Matilda (Ellison) Swanson ddm
* 1928 - Eunice Swanson ddm
* 1932 - Nels Swanson ddm
* 2008 - Florence (Gehlsen) Olson ddm
* 1968 - David Heintzelman, submitted by Sharol (Heintzelman) Molland
* 1990 - Ida M. (Bound) Daft Hecht, Submitted by Melva L. Taylor
* 1990 - Theresa (Vos) Petersen, Submitted by Melva L. Taylor
* 1990 - Nellie (Howlett) Brewer, Submitted by Melva L. Taylor
* 1991 - Seth Alexander Chriest, Submitted by Melva L. Taylor
* 1992 - George McCabe - Submitted by Melva L. Taylor
* 1992 - Eric Wetzell - Submitted by Melva L. Taylor
* 1990 - Madeline M. (DeBlaere) Maes, Submitted by Melva L. Taylor
* 1990 - Everett Sandrock, Submitted by Melva L Taylor

* Julia nee Pitney, Dow, Greenman, Obit
* Foytown School
* Rasmus Johnson - Hannah Hansen
* Nordenadler
* Pierson/Lindquist
* Unidentified Home in Tampico (it's been identified!)
* Armed Forces Day
* Ben Dow Family Photo Mystery - Little Girl
* Nels Swanson
* Rickell Post Office & Store
* Sippels of Tampico and surrounding area
* Paul & Helen Nicely?
* Fisher Families
* Ancestral Findings of Dr. H. Terry
* Swinke
* Cummings/Winchell
* Heintzelman
* Shere/Pierceson
* Wish List (re: Roof Fund)
* Burke Obituraries - Tampico Tornado
* What is the meaning of the name Tampico

1963 - Sivard & Myrtle (Lindquist) Pierson - 40th
2008 - Cadys Celebrate 60th Wedding Anniversay
2008 - Smiley - Washburn Celebrate 40th Anniversary

* 2008 - Lyle Frank to Observe 90th Birthday
* 2008 - Milton Gerber Celebrates 90th Birthday
* 1919 - Six Legged Pig (Wetzell Farm)
* 1947 - Tampico Theatre Open One Year
* 2008 - Birth Announcement: Nathaniel James Hinton

* Descendants of Jos. Nicewonger, Submitted by Marilynn Wienke
* Descendants of Geo. & Kate Heintzelman, Submitted by Les Niemi
* Fisher Families - Submitted by Emerald Fisher of Cedar Rapids, IA

* Hermas Gray, requested by Dan Pultorak
* Clark Gray, requested by Dan Pultorak

Picasa Web Albums - http://picasaweb.google.com/TampicoHistoricalSociety
* Added more BURIAL PERMITS to photo album http://www.tampicohistoricalsociety.citymax.com/Bureau_Co_Biographies_1885.html
I'll be posting the Tampico Memorial Cemetery Walk photos soon.

Note: There were a lot of "issues" with the wisp email (tahs@thewisp.net). If you are waiting for a response to an email, you may want to re-send it. Many of my emails were lost during their transition to the new formatting. An alternate email account for me is ddm1050@hotmail.com
Many thanks to all of our contributors this month. The MESSAGE BOARD has really been "popping"!

Denise McLoughlin
Family History Coordinator
Tampico Area Historical Society

TAMPICO AREA HISTORICAL SOCIETY - MUSEUM - FAMILY HISTORY LIBRARY/RESEARCH CENTER  119 Main St., P. O. Box 154,  Tampico, IL  61283   www.tampicohistoricalsociety.com   tampicoareahistory@gmail.com  We are an all-volunteer organization so your donations are always appreciated!  Sign up to receive our e-newsletter. Thank you!  Visit us on FACEBOOK.