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TAHS Newsletter & Website Updates - November, 2011

Nov 23, 2011

Important information for those doing their family history/genealogy. New laws taking effect with the SSDI. See this off-site link for details: http://stephendanko.com/blog/15164 You can also follow Dick Eastman's newsletters online - http://blog.eogn.com/eastmans_online_genealogy/2011/11/important-changes-made-to-the-public-death-master-file-dmf-and-the-social-security-death-index-ssdi.html

"REAGAN'S ROOTS" BOOK SIGNING TOUR - included Tampico as one of it's seven stops on the two-day tour. Tampico Area Historical Society hosted the visit by author Peter Hannaford. Mr. Hannaford has written 11 books, six of them on Ronald Reagan. His latest,"Reagan's Roots - The People and Places That Shaped His Character" chronicles his early life in the Midwest and the impact it had on his character during those most formative years. Mr. Hannaford did some extensive research but he also has first-hand insight because of his long-time association with President Reagan, going back to his early days as Governor of California where he served as assistant to the governor and director of public affairs and continuing his connection in the 1980 acceptance speech as the "senior communications advisor" to Mr. Reagan. Area dignitaries who accompanied Mr. Hannaford on this visit to Tampico were: Mayor Kris Hill, Tampico; Rep. Jerry Mitchell, Chairman of the Reagan Commission, Sterling; Supt. David Rogers, Sterling; John Morris, Director of Development, The Ronald W. Reagan Leadership Program & Museum Eureka College; Mike Murtagh, VP of Development and Alumni Relations, Eureka College; Rep. candidate for 90th House Seat Daniel H. Sidmore, DeKalb, IL; Ann Lewis, Vice Chairwoman Reagan Commission, Dixon; and of course our very own Joan Johnson - Reagan Commission, Curator/Mgr. of Reagan Birthplace and president of Tampico Area Historical Society, Tampico.

I have posted photos from the event in the TAHS Picasa Web album: https://picasaweb.google.com/TampicoHistoricalSociety/ReaganBookSigning?authuser=0&feat=directlink

FYI - REAGAN COMMISSION - http://www.illinoisreagancentennial.com/commission.htm

Tampico celebrated their annual Christmas in the Country on Saturday, December 3, 2011. It was a little different this year, but just as much fun. Held in the Tampico Ambulance building, the evening started with a visit from Santa Claus, accompanied by one of his elves and of course, Bertha Driessens was there to hand out the goody bags to all the children after they gave Santa their wish list. Some were happier to do this than others. Truly a sign of the times, one little guys shirt read: "Santa, did you get my text"?

Children in grades K-5, who attended the event were able to sign up to become the new Royalty for 2012. The drawing was held that evening and new Royalty was selected by the 2011's Nobility. The new King is Matthew Hinds, 3rd grade; Queen: Emily McElhiney, 3rd grade; Prince, Shawn Cannavo, kindergarten; and Princess: Patience Meyers, a 1st grader. Some of the fun "duties" of the past Royalty were greeting Michael Reagan on his visit to the Birthplace, riding in two parades and attending the Centennial Birthday Party of Ronald Reagan. The event is sponsored by the Tampico Area Long Range Planning Committee. The Royalty also receives a $50 savings bond provided by the Tampico Ambulance and Fire Departments.

Volunteers served hot chocolate, coffee and cookies, two pinatas - one for girls, one for boys, were presented and the evening ended with Caboose rides around town to see the Christmas lights. The weather was perfect this year and many thanks to those great people that continue to provide free family fun. More photos of the evening can be found on Tampico Historical Society's Facebook pages or in their Picasa photo album linked from their website www.tampicohistoricalsociety.com.

Shirley Lester donated two wooden coat racks to be used for displaying our vintage clothing in the Historical Building.

TAMPICO AREA HISTORICAL SOCIETY WEBSITE & FACEBOOK pages - www.tampicohistoricalsociety.com - This website, which I started in 2002, offers thousands of pages of historical information, documents and photos on Tampico and the families that settled there. If you need to ask a question, we offer and inter-active message board, which gives you a broad exposure to many familiar with our area. This website is totally separate from the Village of Tampico's new site, which offers updates on current events, village minutes, agendas, and other village-related information. It is designed by Dana Fellows who also did a Whiteside Co. and Lee Co. website in the past.

Please visit our 'WHAT'S NEW'? page on our website. This page chronicles any added information and provides direct links to the new item. http://www.tampicohistoricalsociety.com/Whats_New.html

Here are the most recent additions for November:

OBITUARIES http://www.tampicohistoricalsociety.citymax.com/Obit_Index.html
1880 - Samuel Emmons
1904 - L L Emmons, Riverside Cemetery, Sterling, IL
2011 - Mary J. Mosher, St. Mary's Catholic Cemetery, Tampico
2010 - Henry Wiersema, Fulton Twp Cemetery, Fulton, IL
2010 - Myron Cox
1880 - Samuel Emmons - Sterling, IL
1904 - L L Emmons - Riverside Cemetery, Sterling, IL
2011 - Catherine DeSplinter - St. Mary's CatholicCemetery, Tampico, IL
2011 - Delmar Bates - Cremation
2011 - Gladys V Smith - Tampico Memorial Cemetery
1944 - August Jensen - Fairfield Cemetery
1944 - Hugh R Hermes - St Mary's Cemetery, Tampico
1944 - Dolly Margaret Cox - Leon Cemetery
1944 - George Davey - Tampico Memorial Cemetery
1944 - Walter J Thompson - Tampico Memorial Cemetery
1944 - Nettie Hayes - Greenville-Fairfield Cemetery
1896 - Tillie (Olsson) Morse

MESSAGE BOARDS http://www.tampicohistoricalsociety.citymax.com/Message_Board.html
Botvid Jensen & Annie Larsen
Arthur Henrekin and Bessie Thompson
New IL Adoption Law!
L.L. Emmons Involvement in Underground Railroad

ARTICLES & LOCAL HISTORY http://www.tampicohistoricalsociety.citymax.com/Articles_Local_History.html
Connell & Langan
Jensen & Larsen
1903 Tampico Gossip Column

BIOGRAPHIES - Past & Present of Bureau County, IL 1906 http://www.tampicohistoricalsociety.citymax.com/Bureau_Co_Biographies_1906.html
Ignatius J Jagodzinski


Our TWO Tampico Historical Society pages on Facebook are reaching a whole new audience. Many are sharing their memories on this forum and others have commented on how it helps them keep in touch with their "roots" when they have moved so far away. https://www.facebook.com/groups/tampicohistoricalsociety/ or

Here are some pages of interest on our website:
REAGAN STATUE, BRICKS & PAVERS (photos): https://picasaweb.google.com/105896818813466091326/REAGANSTATUE?feat=embedwebsite
MEMORIAL BRICK ORDER FORM (for pathway to Reagan Statue):
GRANITE PAVERS (for memorial pathway to Reagan Statue):
PICASA WEB ALBUMS: https://picasaweb.google.com/105896818813466091326
TABLE OF CONTENTS (for website): http://www.tampicohistoricalsociety.com/Index.html
RONALD REAGAN STATUE FUND (Dedicated website - you can make donations online): http://www.reaganstatue.org/

Don't forget to vote for Tampico in the Readers Digest "We Hear You America" contest. The village could win $50,000. Current count is 4189. We need many more votes to win. You can vote EVERY DAY, so please do so. We are little, but we are mighty! http://wehearyouamerica.readersdigest.com/

Many thanks to Melva Taylor for her untiring efforts and obituary transcriptions from the Sterling Gazette newspapers. Thank you to all who have contributed to the success of our organization and website with your memberships, monetary contributions, donations and offering your expertise and knowledge by helping those on our Message Boards.
Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays and Blessings to you all. Thank you from the bottom of my heart,
(please pass this along to those who may have an interest)

TAMPICO AREA HISTORICAL SOCIETY - MUSEUM - FAMILY HISTORY LIBRARY/RESEARCH CENTER  119 Main St., P. O. Box 154,  Tampico, IL  61283   www.tampicohistoricalsociety.com   tampicoareahistory@gmail.com  We are an all-volunteer organization so your donations are always appreciated!  Sign up to receive our e-newsletter. Thank you!  Visit us on FACEBOOK.