Tampico Area Historical Society and Museum
Birthplace of Ronald Reagan 1911-2004 & Admiral Joseph M Reeves 1872-1948
Welcome to Tampico!
This site provides historical, genealogical and local information on Tampico, Yorktown, Thomas, Hume, and the Deer Grove areas. We welcome your comments and contributions!

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OPEN by Appointment or by chance only. a few doors down from the Tampico Historical Society is the Reagan Birthplace, 111-113 Main St., which is open 7 days a week April-Oct. Monday through Saturday, 10:00 - 4:00 p.m. and Sunday, 1:00 - 4:00 p.m.
The Birthplace staff can let you into the Historical Society building if they are not giving a tour. Contact president Joan Johnson to arrange a visit during "off" times. Note: If you are traveling any distance, I highly recommend you call first. We are an all-volunteer organization and subject to availability of volunteers. A pre-arranged visit will guarantee you someone will be there to assist you. Thank you.
This website is paid for by the Village of Tampico
Free Internet Service in the Historical Society is provided by The Wisp.