St Marys Cemetery
Surnames: A through Darby (Florence)
Name Saint Marys Cemetery
Also Known As St. Marys Cemetery
Located in: Benton Street, Tampico, Tampico Township, Whiteside County, Illinois, United States
Township 19 North, Range 6 East, Fourth Principal Meridian
Latitude 41.6341989 41° 38' 03.1" N
Longitude -89.7839955 89° 47' 02.4" W
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- Please report any errors to Denise McLoughlin
Surnames found in this file: Adams, Aldrich, Bacon, Arrett, Barry, Bergonz, Bingenheimer, Boelens, Boelens, Braasch, Bradley, Brat, Britt, Brokhausen, Brophy, Burden, Burke, Buxton, Callahan, Calsyn, Carey, Carlson, Cernich, Clementz, Clyne, coleman, Collins, Conley, Conlin, Connell, Connelly, Conroy, Conway, Cooney, Cordrey, Cook, Courtney, Cunan, Cunniff, Cunningham, Curran, Cusoan, Daley, Damon, Darby,
- Wm. Curran is listed in our Tampico Memorial Cemetery - However, he is actually buried in Tampico's St. Mary's Cemetery! See Wm Curran obit
I am writing to make you aware that my father's listing in the Tampico Area Historical Society Cemetery list is wrong. Listed under the St. Mary's Cemetery - Adams, William E. Born May 9, 1946; his death is listed as July 4, 1996 and it should be July 4, 1969. Thank you. Wendy Adams-Good
- Mary Aldrich, w/o Charles R, 1844-1920
- Genevieve Adlrich, 1885-1964
In 1881, St. Mary Parish bought four acres of land near the intersection of East Fourth and N. Benton Streets. Through the years the grounds were improved and in 1906, the women of the parish donated the Sacred Heart Memorial. It was blessed and dedicated on June 23, 1906.
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TAMPICO AREA HISTORICAL SOCIETY - MUSEUM - FAMILY HISTORY LIBRARY/RESEARCH CENTER 119 Main St., P. O. Box 154, Tampico, IL 61283 We are an all-volunteer organization so your donations are always appreciated! Sign up to receive our e-newsletter. Thank you! Visit us on FACEBOOK.