Tampico Tornado, Thursday, Feb. 20, 1947 1;3
Funeral services for H. E. CAIN held at two o'clock Tuesday afternoon in the Parent chapel were attended by a large number of relatives, neighbors and friends, Rev. Hollis WHARTON, pastor of the Methodist church, read the 23rd Psalm and Tennyson's message of comfort on the Psalm and in his remarks paid tribute to the honest and useful life led by Mr. CAIN. Paul SONNEMAN of the Sterling Elks of which Mr. CAIN was a member, read "Thanatopsis." "Nearer My God to Thee" was sung by Mrs. Robert RUSH and Miss Carolyn AVERY accompanied by Mrs. R. F. WOODS.
The many beautiful floral offerings were cared for by Mrs. Mildred CORLETT, Mrs. Irving CLAY, Mrs. Robert ROBSON and Mrs. J. J. KOLB.
Burial was in the Tampico Memorial Cemetery with Paul SONNEMAN of Sterling, Kenneth FENN of Prophetstown, R. F. NELSON, Nim GOSNEY, Irving CLAY and Boline OLSON serving as pallbearers.
As a mark of respect all business houses closed during the service.
Among those from out of town who attended the services were Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth FENN of Prophetstown, Mrs. W. G. BUTLER of Cairo, Mrs. Wm. HINMAN and Mrs. Jennie DAWSON of Quincy, Francis BERGE of Moline, Mrs. Fred ALLA*of Sterling, George BRONSON of Chicago, Mrs. Leland LEE and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph KNOX of Rock Falls, Dale Robershaw of Dixon, representative of the Rexall Drug Co., and members of the Elk lodge at Sterling.
Haney Egbert CAIN, son of Eli C. and Rachel (sic) CAIN was born at Thomas, Jan. 14, 1868. At the age of six years he moved with his parents to Tampico where he received his education. On Oct. 1, 1903 he married Ada G. FURRY who survives him as do their five children, Fred of Chicago, Dorothy of Rockford, James Egbert, David E. and George of Tampico.
Mr. CAIN was one of Tampico's oldest business men in age and in the number of years he had conducted a business here. he was first associated with T. W. STOCK in the drug business at Walnut and Manlius and later purchased the drug store in Tampico, then operated by Fenn & Ellison. He continued in the business until he suffered a stroke over four years ago.
He was a friend of all, old and young, and will be greatly missed.
Mr. CAIN had a keen interest in national and local affairs. He served on the village board and on the grade school board and for 32 years served as township clerk, resigning only when ill health made it necessary.
He was a former member of Yorktown lodge A. F. & A. M. and was an interested member of the Sterling lodge of Elks.Last fall a meeting known as Haney E. CAIN night was held in his honor.
A few weeks ago Mr. CAIN was taken ill and entered the Sterling Public hospital. Three weeks ago it became necessary to amputate his left leg. He came through the operation very well and seemed to be making a normal recovery when he died suddenly Saturday afternoon. He was 79 years of age.
Besides his wife and children he is survive by two nieces and two nephews. One sister, Liva M. HEIN and two half-brothers, Frank and George KNOX, preceded him in death.
