4 Aug 2005
Transcribed from PAST AND PRESENT OF BUREAU CO., IL Originally published 1906 Pioneer Pub. Co. Chicago, IL
Transcribed by: Denise McLoughlin Tampico Area Historical Society www.tampicohistoricalsociety.citymax.com
Pages 957-958
William H. Booth, who in former years was a representative farmer of Berlin township but is now living retired in Princeton, wa born in Putnam county, Illinois, October 21, 1847. His parents were Jeremiah and Elizabeth A. (Carver) Booth, natives of Ohio, whence they came to Illinois in 1846, locating in Putnam county. Their marriage was celebrated in the former state and they became the parents of six children, of whom William H. was the fifth in order of birth. His youth was passed in his parents’ home, where he was early trained to habits of industry and economy. His preliminary education was supplemented by study in Dover Academy and after leaving school he went upon a farm and has devoted almost his entire life to general agricultural pursuits.
On Christmas day of 1867 he was united in marriage to Miss Ann. E, Pierce, who was born May 11, 1848, a daughter of James A. And Esther (Green) Pierce. Mrs. Booth was also educated in Dover Academy and is a lady of natural culture and refinement. By this marriage have been born two children: Eva E., who was born March 8, 1871, and is the wife of J.C. Field, a resident of Berlin township; and May P, who was born June 28, 1875, and is still at home.
Mr. Booth owns one hundred acres of land in Berlin township but now resides in the city of Princeton, renting his farm. This land, which was purchased for five dollars per acre, is now worth from one hundred and seventy-five to two hundred dollars per acre, is now worth from one hundred and seventy-five to two hundred dollars per acre and the rental therefrom brings him a good income. He has up to recent years led a very busy, active and useful life. His place is situated in one of the finest farming sections of the county and is adorned with excellent buildings, beautiful shade trees and all modern equipments and accessories which go to render it an ideaal country hoe. There he raised and fed stock in addition to the various cercals best adapted to soil and climate. His prosperity is attributable entirely to his own efforts, having been acquired through honest, earnest labor, through economy and careful management. Whatever he undertook, Mr. Booth carried forward to successful completion and his business affairs were so ably directed that he is now in procession of a very handsome competence.
Mr. Booth holds membership in Levi Lusk lodge, No. 270, A. F. And A. M., at Arlington; in Princeton chapter, No. 28, R. A. M.; in Temple commendary, No. 20, K. T.; and the entire family belong to the Eastern Star lodge of Princeton. They are also members of the Congregational church and take an active and helpful interest in its work. Mr. Booth has filled all of the offices in the Masonic lodge and in his life exemplifies its beneficent spirit.
In his politics, he has always been a republican, voting with the party since age conferred upon him the right of franchise. For several terms he has served as school directorand the cause of education finds in him a stalwart friend and supporter. He and his wife were numbered among the leaading citizens of Berlin township and left behind them many friends when they removed from the farm to the city, where they now reside and where they have alread gained the favorable regard of those with whom they have become associated. Mr. And Mrs. Booth have always provided their children with good educational privileges and the youngest daughter is a graduate of the Princeton high school. The family stand for education progress, for material improvement and for advancement in all these walks of life that are of benefit to humanity at large and those who know them entertain for them the warmest esteem.