Whiteside County, IL
Source: Portrait & Biographical Album of Whiteside County, IL Originally published 1885 Chapman Bros., Chicago, IL Reproduced on CD purchased from OLD GLORY ACCENTS
Transcribed by: Denise McLoughlin Tampico Area Historical Society www.tampicohistoricalsociety.citymax.com
Page 869
This village was laid out in 1855, by Elijah Wallace, G. S. Fraser, O. C. Stolp and Wm. M. Sutton, on the southwest quarter of section 13. Hezekiah Brink had here erected a saw-mill, and Joel Harvey soon afterwards erected a large grist-mill, a woolen factory and a store. He also built several dwelling house. The mill burned down some years ago, and has not been re-built. Thisplace, like Como, was virtually killed by the railroad running within a short distance of it, but too far away for the citizens to reap the benefits of its construction. The Lutherans have a good church edifice in the place, and there is also a fine school building.