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William H Hackett
William H Hackett
The Tampico Area Historical Society encompasses parts of Whiteside County and Bureau County in Illinois. Focus is on Tampico, Hume Twp., Hahnaman/Deer Grove, & Prophetstown in Whiteside County & Yorktown & Thomas in Bureau County.
Dennis Maher
1 post
Mar 29, 2012
6:31 AM
We are looking for information on William H Hackett who died in 1901 and was buried in Tampico, where he had lived since 1865. Prior to that he came from Iowa, and his father was born in Ohio. Also looking for information on his son, Ellis Layton Hackett, our grandfather, born 1874.
845 posts
Mar 29, 2012
1:14 PM
Mr. Maher disputed our listing for the Wm. Hackett headstone in our TMC was not the same as the person mentioned in our obit. He believed the obit on our site was referencing a Wm. Hacket that served in 140 IL Inf. However, that Wm. Hacket died in Tennessee, which I have cited for him. Below is what Mr. Maher wrote and my response to verify our information: "On your website I found an obituary dated Dec. 17, 1901, for my great-grandfather, William H. Hackett, then living on East Fifth St in Sterling. He had left Tampico in 1864 to join the 140th Illinois Infantry regiment for 100 days of service. He returned to Tampico and married Hattie Britt in 1873. My grandfather, Ellis Layton Hackett, was born in 1874. Ellis married Ethel Warren of DeWitt, Iowa in 1895. My Mother, Leola Hackett, was born in 1911, in Sedalia MO.
Ellis had a brother, Asel, born about 1887, was married in Omaha, and settled in Chicago.
The 1930 census says that Hattie Britt was born in Illinois and that William H. Hackett was born in Ohio. The listing for a William Hackett buried in Tampico and who served in Iowa regiments during the Civil War is not our William H. Hackett. He could be related. The 1920 census Lists the following Hacketts living in Whiteside: Mary born in 1874, Anna Hackett born in 1877, and Margaret born in 1878.
This is all we know of the Hacketts. Do you have any other information on William and Ellis? Various notices say that both of them were masons in the 1990's. We think that Ellis went to college and to law school, but have no details of this. (He served 1 term in the Missouri legislature and ran for Congress, but lost.) Any information you have will be greatly appreciated. Thank you, Dennis Maher Lake Luzerne NY"
MY RESPONSES: Hello Mr. Maher, I will try to address your questions as best I am able: The Wm. Hackett buried in our Tampico Memorial Cemetery is the same as the one mentioned in the obituary. He served in 13th Iowa Inf.
The IL State Archives Online also shows another Wm. Hackett http://www.cyberdriveillinois.com/departments/archives/databases/home.html HACKETT, WILLIAM PVT D 140 IL US INF PALMYRA, LEE CO, IL
The link on his obit - http://sterlingpl.newspaperarchive.com/PdfViewer.aspx?img=130599792&firstvisit=true&src=search¤tResult=0¤tPage=10 also references the men you spoke of: ROCK FALLS - "E. L. Hacket [sic] returned to his home in What Cheer, In.[I think this should be IA] this morning. He was accompanied by his brother, Asel Hacket who will make his home there."
If you scroll down further in same column (first one), you will then see the obit for Wm. Hacket is continued, although very difficult to read. It is cont'd in the top of 2nd column and you can see that Asel is mentioned in the obit as well as E. L. Hacket of What Cheer, IA. [You'll note his brother was also from IA. ]
We also have a list of Civil War Vets posted in our local Tampico Tornado Newspaper and another list compiled by Bob Mosher many years ago noting Wm. Hacket buried in our Memorial Cemetery as mentioned in obit. We only have the one Wm. Hackett buried in our Tampico Memorial Cemetery.
E. L. is listed in the "Gossip Column" of our local newspaper, the Tampico Tornado: January 23, 1897 At a meeting of the Mystic Workers of the World held at their lodge rooms last week the following named gentlemen were installed as officers for the ensuing year: H.A. HOOVER, M; J.D. BRECKENRIDGE, V.M.; E.L. HACKET, S; E.C. DAVIS, B; C.F. SIPPEL, A.; Lee DOW, C; A. ZUHL, S; H. BURNS, P; S. TEACH, Manager for 3 years.
THE STERLING GAZETTE INDEX ONLINE SHOWS THE FOLLOWING: Subject - Description - Issue Date - Page # - Column # Hackett, child Infant obituary/ Mr. & Mrs. Ellis Hackett 1 July 1896;Standard;5;1 Hackett, child Infant obituary/ Mr. & Mrs. Ellis Hackett 2 July 1896;wStandard;3;4;B8;1 Hackett, Ellis obituary 28 July 1934;10;1 Hackett, Hattie weds W. B. Collier 27 Dec 1899;5;1 Hackett, William H. obituary 17 Dec 1901;swStandard;6;1 [transcribed on TAHS website]
THE WM. HACKETT THAT SERVED IN 140 IL INF DIED IN TENNESSEE: (See below and information found on Lee Co. site) ILLINOIS STATE ARCHIVES Illinois Civil War Detail Report http://www.ilsos.gov/isaveterans/civilMusterSearch.do?key=102480 Name HACKETT, WILLIAM Rank PVT Company D Unit 140 IL US INF Personal Characteristics Residence PALMYRA, LEE CO, IL Age 24 Height 5' 7 Hair DARK Eyes BLUE Complexion LIGHT Marital Status SINGLE Occupation STUDENT Nativity MERCER CO, OH Service Record Joined When MAY 10, 1864 Joined Where PALMYRA, IL Joined By Whom CPT M W SMITH Period 100 DAY Muster In JUN 18, 1864 Muster In Where CAMP BUTLER, IL Muster In By Whom Muster Out Muster Out Where Muster Out By Whom Remarks DIED JUL 21, 1864 IN HOSPITAL AT MEMPHIS TENN
The Sterling Public Library archives the Sterling Gazette Newspapers and are the ones that provide the online index. You can contact them at the following places: Sterling Public Library, 102 W. 3rd St., Sterling, IL (815)625-1370, ext 11, director@sterlingpubliclibrary.org - Marilyn Anderson is in charge of the Genealogy Dept. She can be reached at genealogy@sterlingpubliclibrary.org The Index gives you the Issue Date, page & column number and it is helpful to give these to her as well. You may also want to do your own search on the Index site since there were 8 pages returned for "Hacket." There is also a separate website for Sterling Gazette which provides the actual news articles. Not all years have been uploaded yet, but it will let you know what years are available in the drop-down menu. Both of the links to the two newspaper sites (Index and Articles) can be found on our Table of Contents page under NEWSPAPERS. http://www.tampicohistoricalsociety.citymax.com/Index.html
Early Sterling Newspapers online: http://sterlingpl.newspaperarchive.com/Default.aspx
I was hoping to find a biography in our Whiteside Co. History books, but no luck. We do have many people with the surname of Britt. Do a site search from our Home Page of our website: http://www.tampicohistoricalsociety.citymax.com/Home_Page.html
2nd Email to Mr. Maher: Hello again Mr. Maher, This is a follow up to the information I sent earlier - I found a reference to the other Wm. Hacket from the 140 IL Inf. on the Lee County Genealogical Society's site. LEE COUNTY GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY http://www.leecoilgen.org/ DETAIL PAGE SURNAME Hacket GIVEN William MIDDLE BOOK Story of Dixon & Palmyra, 1830-1880 PAGE 119
Also, I checked the Civil War book put out by the Whiteside Genealogical Society which lists the vets name, company, and place of burial. It confirms that the Wm. Hacket in our cemetery is the only Wm. Hacket buried in Whiteside Co. (notation in the County book states no additional information available) Denise
The Wm. Hackett that served in 140 IL Inf died in TN: ILLINOIS STATE ARCHIVES Illinois Civil War Detail Report http://www.ilsos.gov/isaveterans/civilMusterSearch.do?key=102480 Name HACKETT, WILLIAM Rank PVT Company D Unit 140 IL US INF Personal Characteristics Residence PALMYRA, LEE CO, IL
I think you should first obtain copies of the news articles in the Sterling Gazette that I mentioned above. You should be able to glean more information from those articles - then, let us know what other specific information you are still looking for.
I did not hear back from you after I emailed all of this information last night, so I am assuming you did not receive it for some reason. Denise
Last Edited by on Mar 29, 2012 1:55 PM
846 posts
Mar 29, 2012
1:43 PM
Here is obit on our website: 1901 - William H Hackett Obit STERLING STANDARD, Sterling, IL Dec. 17, 1901 Page 6, 1-2 WILLIAM HACKETT IS DEAD Another Veteran of the Civil War Passed to His Reward William H. Hacket [sic] died at his home on East Fifth street Sunday afternoon at 1:30 o'clock after a very long and severe illness. He has been afflicted for several years with **** ***** which was the cause of his death. The funeral services were held at the **** this morning at the ***** *** where a number of relatives and friends present and **** *** ****** of the services. The remains were returned to Tampico ***** *** and to ***********
William H Hackett ***** [can not decipher]*********** ***** ********* He returned to Tampico after the war and was married to Miss Hattie Britt in 1873 [see IL State Archives/Marriages] two daughter and six sons were born to them, a son and a daughter having died. Those mourning the *** of his death are: the daughter, Mrs. R. E. Richardson of Chicago and the sons, E. L. Hacket of What Cheer, Ia. and Asel******* He ahd been employed by **** **** Tampico and ********** ******* He was one of those men who **********ly much better than he seemed. and hsi death will be sincerely *****ed by his beloved children. The sympathy of all is extended to them in their grief.
Also found online: http://sterlingpl.newspaperarchive.com/PdfViewer.aspx?img=130599792&firstvisit=true&src=search¤tResult=0¤tPage=10
Illinois Statewide Marriage Index, 1763–1900 http://www.cyberdriveillinois.com/departments/archives/databases.html Groom Bride Date Vol./Page License No. County HACKETT, WILLIAM BRITT, HARRIET L 873-02-08 / 00003286 WHITESIDE
From CEMETERY Tampico Memorial Sect J
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Last Edited by on Mar 29, 2012 1:46 PM
847 posts
Mar 29, 2012
2:57 PM
STERLING STANDARD May 11, 1900 William Hacket has returned from Tampico and will work at his trade here and in Sterling during the summer.
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TAMPICO AREA HISTORICAL SOCIETY - MUSEUM - FAMILY HISTORY LIBRARY/RESEARCH CENTER 119 Main St., P. O. Box 154, Tampico, IL 61283 www.tampicohistoricalsociety.com tampicoareahistory@gmail.com We are an all-volunteer organization so your donations are always appreciated! Sign up to receive our e-newsletter. Thank you! Visit us on FACEBOOK.