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Newsletters > TAHS Newsletter & Website Updates for May/Ju, 2009
TAHS Newsletter & Website Updates for May/Ju, 2009

Jun 3, 2009

Hello All!
Here's the latest info on the TAHS.

FUND RAISER for TAHS. The TAHS will sponsor a HAYSTACK DINNER, June 26th, from 4p - 7p in the Tampico Community Bldg. What IS a HAYSTACK DINNER? It is a hearty meal similar to a taco salad. This is a fun and stackable dish that literally looks like its name. First comes the plate, then the pile of crushed crackers and tortilla chips. lace a mixture of ground beef and rice on top of the crackers then let your imagination roll with the toppings. There you go!...That is a HAYSTACK DINNER Free Will Donation at the Door - Delivery to shut-ins & seniors - 50/50 Drawing to be held at 6:30. Menu: 1 Haystack plate topd with the toppings o your choice, Drink and Dessert (Haystack Cookies) - Hot Dogs for kids. Contact: Denise Mickelson, 815-438-3232 VLOUNTEERS NEEDED, please contact Denise Mickelson if you can help prepare, deliver, etc.

I am preparing for Yorktown Cemetery Walk, Oct. 2009 and
I need suggestions for people to be remembered who are buried in the Yorktown Cemetery. If you know of local families that may want to participate, please send me any contact information or pass the info on to them and give them my #'s. Denise McLoughlin, tampicohistoricalsociety@gmail.com or ddm1050@hotmail.com, cell: 815-590-2143.

Message from our president, Joan Johnson:
Greetings-Members and Friends:
There have been a lot of positive happenings in our Society lately:
1. The roofs over the Museum & Library have been completed (still some leaks to contend with)
2. Sterling WalMart donated $250.00 to us towards our on-going expenses.
3. The "Adopt-A-Grave" project for Memorial Day was a great success for a 1st time effort.
4. The Annual Memorial Day Cemetery Walk went very well (weather cooperated somewhat)
UPCOMING: Tampico Annual Festive (Homecoming Days) are fast approaching on June 26, 27 and 28. Historical Society is planning a "Haystack Dinner" on June 26 from 4 to 7 PM at the Community Building {plan to come enjoy something new and help out the organization} (also a 50/50 drawing will be held at that time) on June 27 we are having a Bake Sale - all members are asked to contribute baked goods and if unable to bake something, a $10.00 donation per member is requested.
5. This month's program on June 28 at 7 PM will be Dr. Darrell Erickson speaking on Whiteside County Doctors.
6. The Annual "Summer Picnic" will be 6 PM, August 25, at Tampico Community Building. This is always a FUN time and the program will be 'REMEMBERING THE TAMPICO CREAMERY". Everyone having ANY memories of the Creamery is asked to come join us for the evening. This is a "potluck dinner" and you are asked to bring a dish to pass and your own table service. Coffee & lemonade will be furnished. Please plan to join us.
7. Annual dues are now being collected. (Only $10.00 single and $15.00 family).
8. For more information on any of the above, please go to our fabulous website, maintained by Denise McLoughlin - www.tampicohistoricalsociety.com
Please remember that we are a small organization, dependent on donations and dues to keep our heads above water with ongoing expenses. Our monthy meetings are the 4th Tuesday of each month at 7 PM in the Museum, unless we have a special program. As a member, we appreciate your attendance and input.
We look forward to hearing from you. To send your dues and donations, please send to:
Joan Johnson - 1720 Matznick Road - Tampico, IL 61283
For other info, e-mail me at garyjoan@thewisp.net or call me at 815-622-8705 (cell)
Thank you, Joan Johnson - President/Treasurer - Tampico Area Historical Society

KUDOS to my new-found helpers, Denise Mickelson & Karen Dever. They are helping with the website, which is an enormous help. I can never keep up with all of the obit contributions from our friend, Melva Taylor. Now I can - so "bring it on"! (giggle)

As always, for a direct link to all of the new entries, please go to our "What's New"? page of website. You can then click on any entry for a direct link. http://www.tampicohistoricalsociety.citymax.com/Whats_New.html

Here are the latest entries for the months of May and June:


Maurice CONNERS;

James & Clara (winter) Harvey- Reubin & Anna Davis
This week in Tampico History - week of April 26
This week in Tampico History - week of May 3
This week in Tampico History - week of May 10
This Week in Tampico History - Week of May 17
This Week in Tampico History - Week of May 24
Lindquist Family Line
Meaning of the word "Tampico"?
Bernadine Heintzelman/Zora Phillips
House on 206 Main Street
Henry C. Pitney & wife Lora Louise Ferman
Cooney Family
Please Help with this Project
Brown Family

McCabe Photo Album
Tampico Memorial Cemetery - added Lloyd McElhiney, submitted by Les Niemi
TEMPLE family photo - submitted by Les Niemi

Oscar A. Anderson; Anna Mae CASSON; Sadie (Pope) DAVIS; Warren HIXON; Adrian HUNSBERGER; Lewis LAWRENCE; William MATHIS; Etta Mae TUFT; James WETZELL; Harold WRIGHT;

Mr. & Mrs. Vernon Van De Mark


Harry A. Winter;

William E. Allen;

Nicholas McSHERRY; Frederick PRIESSER

We have a lot going on this month -

June 4, 11, and 18th Tampico Dominoes Night starting at 5 p.m. at the Good Times for $1 Taco's and then starting at 6 p.m. play will begin at the Tampico Area Community Building with prizes and a $5 donation is asked to play if you wish to win prizes and refreshments will be provided.

June 8 & 22, 7:00 p.m. – Tampico Lions Club – Meet in back room of Good Times. For more information contact Dave Gerdes, 815-499-7723.

June 13, 5:30 p.m. - Tampico High School Alumni Dinner @ Deer Valley Country Club. Contact: Mary Anne Batten, 815-438-5895

June 15th thru the 18th, 2009. Vacation Bible School @ Baptist Church. Children 5-12. If you have questions please call Pastor Kaiser at Tampico Baptist Church (815)-438-2441.

June 17, Noon-ish - Grand IL Trail & Park Bike Riders @ RR Birthplace, Tampico

June 18, 12:30 – Tampico Area Long Range Planning Committee (TALRPC). Meet in back room of Good Times. Umbrella program for area organizations, providing information to the public on up-coming events. For more information, contact president Terry Gaskill, 815-535-3665

June 22, 7:00 p.m. - Tampico Lions Club – Meet in back room of Good Times, Main St., Tampico. Contact: Dave Gerdes, 815-499-7723.

June 23, 7:00 p.m. - Tampico Area Historical Society monthly meeting. Program: History of area Doctors, presented by Dr. D. Erickson. Public invited. Contact: Joan Johnson, 815-438-7581 or 815-622-8705.

June 25, 6:30 p.m. - Game Night in Community Bldg. Includes refreshments & prizes (The time has been corrected from prior notice)

June 25 - 28: Tampico Days Festival.

Thursday, June 25th - 6:30 Game Night in Comm. Bldg. Refreshments/prizes


4 to 7 Haystack Supper (Community Bldg) Fund Raiser for TAHS
5 to 12 Beer tent open
5 PM Carnival opens
8 to 12 Music by the Funnies


8 to 12n Bake Sale - Tampico Historical Society
9 to 4 PM Coed Mud Volleyball
9 to 11AM Fishing Derby at Hennepin Canal
10AM to 12 AM- Beer tent open
11AM Carnival open
8 to 12 Music by 9-1-1


7 to 12 Firemen's Pancake breakfast
9 AM Coed Mushball Tournament
12 noon to 4 PM Ice Cream Social at Com Bldg
1 PM to 10 PM Beer tent open
1 PM Parade
3:30 PM Fireman Water Fights (usually in front of Casey's-sign doesn't give location)
6 PM to 10 PM Music by Free at Last

June 26, 4p-7p.m. - The Tampico Area Historical Society (TAHS) will be sponsoring a HAYSTACK SUPPER @ Community Bldg. Contact: Denise Mickelson, 815-438-3232

June 27, 8-12noon - The TAHS will sponsor a Bake Sale - 8-12n. Proceeds will help support the Tampico Historical Society.

June 27, 9a - 11a.m.- Fishing Derby on feeder Canal bridge on 172/Star Road.. Contact: Don & Shirley Lester for details. 815-438-7447.

June 28, 1:00 p.m. - The Tampico Lions Club voted to sponsor the 2009 Tampico Homecoming Days Parade on Sunday June 28, 2009 starting at 1 p.m.

You are asked to send in your entry to Ron Church, 5845 Tampico Road, Tampico, IL 61283 or Larry Ebersohl, 24890 Star Road, Tampico, IL 61283 or call Ron at (815)-438-3442 or Larry at (815)-438-6582.

June 28 - 12n -4 p.. - ICE CREAM SOCIAL in Community Bldg. This is a RNA matching fund raiser. Proceeds fund Bible School 2010 and the Ginger Bread & Mardi Gras children's parties in 2009. Children's Outreach Committee.

July 8, 7p.m. - THPAC (Tampico Area Historical Preservation Committee) Meet in Historical Bldg., 119 Main Street. Contact: President, Denise Mickelson, 815-438-3232

July 20 - 24: VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL, 6p - 8:30 p.m. @ Tampico United Methodist Church. Supper will be served. This is a NEW date from prior calendar.

August 12, Veteran Motor Car Club of America in Tampico. Coming through in A.M. They will do a presentation on their vehicles. Public invited!

111 Main St., Tampico, IL

*April through October, 2009:
Mon. - Saturday: 10a-4p
Sunday: 1-4p
Or by appt. after hours

November 1, 2009 - Feb. 28, 2010 - Open by appointment. Contact: Joan Johnson, co-ordinator @ 815-622-8705, or Shirley Lester @ 815-438-7447.

Also – the Tampico Area Historical Society & Museum is open April – October, Saturday & Sunday, 1:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. Or by appointment. The Family History Library and Research Center is open by appointment or by chance. Contact: Denise McLoughlin, Family History Coordinator, 815-590-2143 Visit the TAHS website: www.tampicohistoricalsociety.com
New Email: tampicohistoricalsociety@gmail.com

VOLUNTEERS ARE ALWAYS NEEDED AT THE HISTORICAL SOCIETY, THE BIRTHPLACE & FOR OUR HAYSTACK DINNER. Please contact Joan for the Birthplace & Historical Society or Denise Mickelson for the Haystack Dinner. Thank You!

Denise McLoughlin
Family History Coordinator & Webmaster
Tampico Area Historical Society

TAMPICO AREA HISTORICAL SOCIETY - MUSEUM - FAMILY HISTORY LIBRARY/RESEARCH CENTER  119 Main St., P. O. Box 154,  Tampico, IL  61283   www.tampicohistoricalsociety.com   tampicoareahistory@gmail.com  We are an all-volunteer organization so your donations are always appreciated!  Sign up to receive our e-newsletter. Thank you!  Visit us on FACEBOOK.