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April Newsletter

May 1, 2011

Tampico, IL, birthplace of Ronald Reagan is officially a SISTER CITY to Privolnoya, Russia, birthplace of Mikhail Gorbachev. This is due to the due diligence of Andy Hinton! http://sci.informz.net/sci/archives/archive_1504775.html We are looking forward to updates from Andy, enlightening us on how Tampico can benefit from this.

Visit us on Facebook! http://www.facebook.com/pages/Tampico-Area-Historical-Society-Museum/178492748864717?sk=wall

HIGHLIGHTS OF TAHS regular meeting held April 26, 2011
Reminder of Dues are due now. Membership is from May 1, 2011 through April 30, 2012. Application forms and price schedule can be found on this link: http://www.tampicohistoricalsociety.citymax.com/Membership_Donations.html Please remit ASAP. Thank you for your support.

NOMINATING COMMITTEE - Two board members, Tom Cooney & Bob Cassens have agreed to serve another three-year term. New Member, Roy Haney will replace Ruth Thompson for a one-year term. Terry Gaskill will replace Bob Johnson, who could not renew for another term.

The Mexican Train Dominoes Fund Raiser held on April 30 was very successful. Sue Hondley of Sterling was 1st place winner with lowest score. https://picasaweb.google.com/lh/photo/VTid9gn6ALnJBJ8lHdgbXA?feat=directlink She won a $25 gift certificate for Candle Light Restaurant, donated by Sandrock Insurance Co. There were many wonderful gifts donated by area merchants to be raffled off.

May 24, 2011 - Scheduled speaker, Ron Slack - "Stealing Lincoln's Body"

Memorial Day is fast approaching and NOW is the time to get your Adopt-a-Grave flower orders in for the Tampico Memorial & St. Mary's Catholic Cemeteries in Tampico and the Yorktown Cemetery in Yorktown (Fairfield Twp). This annual fund raiser for the TAHS is a wonderful opportunity to help us make the cemeteries look especially nice for Memorial Day. There are many graves that are never decorated - perhaps there is no remaining family to do so, or they are simply "forgotten." We will place the arrangement on a grave site of your choice or we will select a "forgotten" grave for you if you like. Here is a link to photos of the small, med., large and saddle arrangements available. https://picasaweb.google.com/TampicoHistoricalSociety/AdoptAGrave2011?feat=directlink You may also order and pick up the arrangement to place in a cemetery of your choice. Contact Joan Johnson ASAP to place your order. Thank you for your support!

May 30, 2011 - Tampico Memorial Day Cemetery Walk in tandem with the Tampico American Legion #574 - Start @ St. Mary's Catholic Cemetery (Benton St., Tampico), 10:00 a.m. End in Tampico Memorial Cemetery, (Rt. 172/Tampico Rd., Tampico). In the event of inclement or threatening weather, we will meet in the Tampico Community Bldg. on W. Market St. Public invited.

Thomas Steadman - Audrey Lange (descendant)
Ronald Reagan - Presented by Dennis Frary

James & Mary Foley - narrated by Deana Newman (great granddaughter)
William and Ruth Schauf - narrated by Deb Wierr (granddaughter)

Shirley Lester announced that the cement platform for the Reagan Statue in Reagan Park has been poured. Artist Ted McElhiney installed the cannon in Reagan Park. The Reagan Statue will feature Ronald Reagan depicted as the young boy he was during his Tampico days, standing on this cannon. Memorial bricks & pavers are being sold to help defray the cost of the statue. Purchasing a brick or paver provides a wonderful opportunity to become a part of history. They bricks will be laid to form a walkway to the statue. Details and application forms can be found at the following link: https://picasaweb.google.com/TampicoHistoricalSociety/REAGANSTATUE?feat=directlink Each photo provides a link to an online application form or to the official reagan statue website, if you choose to pay online.

Just a note to inform you that we have to cancel the plays originally scheduled for June 4 (which Nellie & Jack Reagan had appeared in). If someone is willing to put these together for the committee, we will consider putting them on at a later time. Any questions, feel free to contact me. Joan Johnson (reaganbirthplace@thewisp.net)

Joan is looking for volunteers for the Reagan Birthplace and/or the Historical Society. This is a fun way to meet new people from all over the country and share some history of this mighty little town. Contact Joan: 815-622-8705 or garyjoan@thewisp.net or reaganbirthplace@thewisp.net

A tentative program has been scheduled for our June meeting on the businesses on the east & west side of Main Street though out the years. Plat maps of the town and old photos will be available. Hands outs will be given with photos of the buildings and each member will be asked to write down their memories of owners and names of the stores through out the years. Any anecdotal stories would be wonderful as well. If you have any photos to share, we would love to add them to our collection. We have a copy machine, so your original will be given back asap.


OBITUARIES http://www.tampicohistoricalsociety.citymax.com/Obit_Index.html
Many thanks to Melva L. Taylor for her contributions

2011 - Floyd Talbot
1918 - Hannah Jensen
1918 - Alice Jones Pentland
1918 - Violet Monks
1923 - Howard Daniel Graham
1923 - Leonard Burroughs
1923 - Ora Lillian (Coates) Noon
1923 - Utilla France
1923 - Florence Sollars
2011 - Cynthia Ross
1987 - Margaret A Henrekin
1987 - Claude Burgess
2011 - Wesley Broers
2011 - Marjorie M. {Forward) Egert
1893 - Amanda Steadman
1886 - Alonzo D Stone
1930 - C.R. Aldrich
1930 - Ella Smith Farrell


April1, Audrey Lange - Monetary donation (for Steadman/Aldrich research in our Family History Library)


1898 - Accidental Poisoning by Mrs. Wm. Steadman
1877 - Rt. 92 to Tampico surveyed
1877 - Tampico School Teachers
2011 - Tampico Lions Club Annual Easter Egg Walk


1875 - Slater - Hurlburt


Mystery Photos - Winchell & Lane? https://picasaweb.google.com/lh/photo/vL495MtFLW0Ex59DZKMHVw?feat=directlink
Leon Methodist Cemetery - Many thanks to Deb Thormahlen for submitting 57 new gravestone photos! https://picasaweb.google.com/TampicoHistoricalSociety/CEMETERYLeonMethodistCemeteryProphetstownIL?feat=directlink
Tampico Lions Club gave 4 $500 scholarships out at the PHS Awards Ceremony this month: https://picasaweb.google.com/TampicoHistoricalSociety/PHSAwardsNight?feat=directlink#5605607997968748898
Tampico American Legion presented two $500 scholarships at PHS Award Ceremony.

I am hoping to get all of our photos on the TAHS website moved to the online Picasa Web Albums. What this means to you is that there may be a transition period for our search engine (free find) as well as Google to pick up the new changes. If you cannot find something that you thought was here before, contact me and I will guide you until the search engines catch up! Most changes will be posted to the "What's New"? section of our site.

Please pass this along to anyone with an interest.
Denise McLoughlin
Family History Coordinator
Tampico Area Historical Society

TAMPICO AREA HISTORICAL SOCIETY - MUSEUM - FAMILY HISTORY LIBRARY/RESEARCH CENTER  119 Main St., P. O. Box 154,  Tampico, IL  61283   www.tampicohistoricalsociety.com   tampicoareahistory@gmail.com  We are an all-volunteer organization so your donations are always appreciated!  Sign up to receive our e-newsletter. Thank you!  Visit us on FACEBOOK.